- Fix Ramdisk & Diag bugs
- Fix iREWORK & iPOWER X profile display issue
This update required install full installer version 3.9 first (also 4.0b1), after download the update file and extract the file to c:/mfc folder. the driver for diag and ramdisk should also update and replace the old one in c:/mfc (usb_driver), usb_driver download
- Fix Ramdisk hello bypass bugs
- Fix Ramdisk Exit & reboot bugs
- Add automatic connect ramdisk if detect device base on conditions
- Add rename function for any file under ramdisk
- Version update to V4.0B2
This update required install full installer version 3.9 first (also 4.0b1), after download the update file and extract the file to c:/mfc folder. the driver for diag and ramdisk should also update and replace the old one in c:/mfc (usb_driver), usb_driver download
- Add Ramdisk function to support bypass iPhone & iPad Device
- Bypass ICloud - For user who lost the iCloud email and password , if the device did not do factory default reset by software, after bypass still can use the device as normal
- Bypass Lock Screen - usually the device already did factory default reset, so may show you a "Hello" Screen, After bypass the device will not able use the network
- Restore full dir - Self data backup and restore
- Read iCloud account informations
- Free up device space
- Add Syscfg data extractor
- Add software settings, i.e. font size and firmware locate
- Update iREWORK settings profile support upto A15
- Update software support iOS 16+
- Update firmware downloader function
- Update the software to display the latest software version
- Improved Diag functions
- Improved Apple watch related functions
- GUI layout Some changes
- Other small bugs fix
- Software version updated to V4.0B1
This update required install full installer version 3.9 first, after download the update file and extract the file to c:/mfc folder. the driver for diag and ramdisk should also update and replace the old one in c:/mfc (usb_driver), usb_driver download
How to use : https://www.mfcbox.com/tutorials/about-mfc-ramdisk-bypass-iphone-and-ipad-device-function
Feedback and issues report : https://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f936
- Add support all new iPad models
- Add support all new iPhone models
- Add support to all iPad/ iPhone repair function,i.e.1110 error
- Add support flash function by USB-C cable
- Add forced "Stop" button
- Update display icon for new models
- MFC Server side update to support all new models
- Fix small bugs for Apple watch Diag function
- Update software support running under windows 11
- Software version updated to V3.8
How to repair 1110 : https://www.mfcbox.com/blog/about-itunes-1110-error-repair-by-mfc