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How to upgrade iPOWER X Box ?

Compatible Software Version
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Upgrade Firmware Steps (Internet Required):

  1. Open iPOWER X software (Always use the Latest Software)
  2. Connect iPOWER X box to Computer by PC Cable (Don't connect input Power)
  3. Holding "On" key of iPOWER X Box
  4. Then connect DC Input Power to iPOWER X Box
  5. Once upgrade starting then release "On" Key (During the upgrade process, the software status will display "UPDATING...". At the same time, the LCD screen of the iPOWER X analyzer will keeping blinking. Once the blinking stops, the screen will display the input voltage parameters, which mean's the upgrade was done.)
  6. Waiting Upgrading procedure Done

Open Software-->Connect PC cable to Box and Computer-->Holding "On" Key-->Connect Input Power-->Wating Upgrade Start-->Release "On" Key-->Waiting Upgrade finish-->Done.

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